Check Services

Merchant Account,card acceptance,credit card services,e-commerceCredit Card Processing and Merchant Account 
for Retail and Online Merchants

(802) 660-3980


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Accept Checks Online, 
or even by the Fax or Phone! 
Watch Your Sales EXPLODE Overnight by using...Check Man Check Printing Software accept checks online, by fax, by phone!!


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Introducing CheckMAN™...... 
Anyone with a copy of CheckMAN™, a computer and a printer can legally accept a check via Phone, Fax, Email or the WWW!  It's now Faster and Less Expensive than you would ever think!  We have been successfully accepting this form of payment with tremendous success!  Say Good-bye to the high credit card merchant account fees!  With CheckMAN™, you will have absolutely no recurring fees, or monthly charges!  Your only other expense EVER will be to purchase blank checks! (About 5’ each!)  With this State-Of-The-Art program you can even print checks drawn on your own account ready to be signed made payable to who ever you would like!  

CheckMAN™ is Very Easy To Use....   
Anyone who can use a word processing program will be able to master CheckMAN™ in a matter of minutes. CheckMAN™ also has a very detailed Help File that will answer nearly any imaginable question!   The hardest part will be waiting the 5 minutes for your copy to download, or for your disk to arrive by mail! 

CheckMAN™ has Many, Many, features.... 

  • Ability to Print Your Customer's Checks 
    (Accepted by the fax, phone, etc, without signature) 
  • Ability to Print Your Own Checks complete with Payor Info
  • Ability to Print Your Own Blank Checks 
    (No need to order checks again) 
  • Ability to Print Checks "Selected", or by "Dates". 
    (Print one at a time, or a whole batch) 
  • Free use of a CheckMAN™ WebForm!
    (Easily take online payments) 
  • *Ability to Print Deposit Summaries
  • *Ability to Add Artwork to Your Checks
  • *Ability to actually "stamp / endorse" the back of your printed checks
  • *Automatically "Remembers" All Banking Info 
    (You'll only need to type transit #) 
  • *Ability to Easily Handle and Print Recurring Transactions 
    (Monthly, quarterly, etc.) 
  • *Ability to Print Your Actual Signature Right On Your Check
  • *Ability to Run Your Own Check Printing "Service Bureau" 
    (Print checks for many clients) 
  • *Ability to Print, a "File Copy", and a "Customer Receipt" 
    (Even fits in a #9 window envelope) 

    * All features marked with " * " are available only with the PRO version of CheckMAN™


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Northern Merchant Services: 
(802) 660-3980 
E-mail Address:  Northern Merchant Services
Member Service Provider, Regions Bank, Montgomery, AL.
Nova Information System

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Copyright © 1999 Northern Merchant Services. Last modified:Monday, March 05, 2001