Real Time Processing

Merchant Account,card acceptance,credit card services,e-commerceCredit Card Processing and Merchant Account 
for Retail and Online Merchants

(802) 660-3980


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Secure Pay

SecurePay.Com provides merchants with an easy to use, secure credit card processing interface for multiple types of online stores.  From simple one page stores to large product catalogs, SecurePay.Com does it all!


Secure Credit Card Processing
Since all transactions are processed via a secure server, your customers will feel more comfortable ordering online.
Flexible Payment Processing Options
Your Website can automatically process your customers' credit cards, or you can use the Web terminal for phone, FAX or mail orders. Same of the features of this product are displayed below.
Recurring Billing Feature
If you bill your customers the same amount each month, SecurePay.Com can automatically bill the credit cards for you.
Shopping Cart Solutions To Fit Your Business Needs
Whether you sell one product or thousands, we have a shopping cart solution for you. We have carts that can handle multiple options for products, such as sizes and/or colors, as well as simple one product carts.

Easily View Transaction History
SecurePay.Com makes it easy for merchants and distributors to view transaction history reports.  Simply enter report criteria like today, this month, last month, or any one of multiple report criteria and a report will be generated within a few moments for you to view online.

Internet Merchants Are Provided 3 Ways of Accepting Credit Card Payments

  1. Real-Time
    This option connects a merchant's Web store to our secure server for automatic processing.  The credit card number is submitted directly to the processing center using the company's merchant account number. 
  2. Web Terminal
    This option allows a merchant to log into Secure Pay and manually enter a credit card transaction. Perfect for phone, FAX, e-mail or regular mail orders. 
  3. Pass-Through
    This option allows a merchant to set up a simple link from their Web site to our secure server. The credit card number is collected using our secure server and e-mailed to the merchant for manual submission through a processing terminal or desktop software.


Secure Credit Card Processing

Since all transactions are processed via a secure server, your customers will feel more comfortable ordering online.

Recurring Billing Feature

If you bill your customers the same amount each month, Secure Pay can automatically charge the credit cards for you. This is perfect for monthly fees or payments for merchandise spread out over time.

For example: Just three easy payments of $29.95!

How It Works

  1. Enter the customer's information once
  2. Tell the system how many times the transaction should recur
  3. The customer's card will be billed monthly, weekly, etc.

Shopping Cart Solutions to Fit Your Business Needs

Whether you have one product or thousands, we have a shopping cart solution for your business. Our representatives would be happy to help you.

We have carts that can:

  • Handle multiple options for products, such as sizes and/or colors
  • Categorize products
  • Run specials and sales
  • Calculate sales tax
  • Add shipping
  • Show item photos
  • Match the look and feel of your site
  • And much more!
Secure Pay Gateway Service
Setup Fee
Monthly Gateway Fee
Virtual Terminal & Gateway Program Fee  $144.00
Virtual Terminal & Shopping Cart Gateway Programming Fee  $329.00







One Time Setup Fee

Monthly Gateway Fee

NMS E-Commerce Package*



NMS E-Commerce Package w/o Shopping Cart**



NMS E-Commerce Package

Lease to own:  

$35.00 per month for 24 months

 * NMS E-Commerce Package will include your secure gateway, shopping cart, and a virtual terminal. 

** NMS E-Commerce Package w/o Shopping Cart will include your secure gateway and a virtual terminal. 

Soft Cart

  • SoftCart™ technology enables you to build and manage your own online store with an easy-to-use online tool and a choice of attractive templates. Use the Vendor Drop Ship Module™ with SoftCart™ to send purchase orders via email to participating drop ship vendors. Use SoftCart™ with QuickBooks™ to convert online order data into sales receipts, transaction log reports, tax liability reports, and a variety of other documentation to aid you in tracking and processing orders. Use SoftCart™ with our Dynamic HTML & Search Module to replace SoftCart™'s otherwise static HTML generator and simple search engine with a zippy product database driven "on-the-fly" page generator and more powerful search engine. Ideal for more professionally featured and/or larger presentations.
  • DirectLink HTML™ (includes Virtual Terminal™)
    Regardless of where your site is hosted, Plug 'n Pay's robust DirectLink HTML™ enables real-time, safe credit card verification using our secure server with our certified private gateways to most major credit card processors. Our exclusive online Installation Wizard™ automatically generates the necessary DirectLink HTML™ code to add "Quantity" and "Order" button(s) to your site.

    DirectLink HTML™ includes SmartScreens™ payment collection screens. Simple to integrate, easy for customers to use, SmartScreens™ are fully customizable with your logo, colors and font.

    SmartScreens™ encourage order completion by detecting common input errors on your customer's part, never requiring the customer to "hit the back button." SmartScreens™ also serve as virtual cash registers by accurately calculating total purchase price with all your required tax and shipping rates by zone!

    Complete with Plug 'n Pay's Virtual Terminal™ interface, you can check on past orders, mark or unmark orders for batching, process orders or returns, reconcile orders for deposit, manually enter all off-line orders and check on previously settled accounts. Integrates with nearly every popular third-party catalog software with an extensive list of supported name-value pairs, and can be easily implemented to execute most post-transaction systems following a payment attempt, successful or otherwise.


DirectLink HTML™ (includes Virtual Terminal™)


  • Regardless of where your site is hosted, Plug 'n Pay's robust DirectLink HTML™ enables real-time, safe credit card verification using our secure server with our certified private gateways to most major credit card processors. Our exclusive online Installation Wizard™ automatically generates the necessary DirectLink HTML™ code to add "Quantity" and "Order" button(s) to your site.

  • DirectLink HTML™ includes SmartScreens™ payment collection screens. Simple to integrate, easy for customers to use, SmartScreens™ are fully customizable with your logo, colors and font.

  • SmartScreens™ encourage order completion by detecting common input errors on your customer's part, never requiring the customer to "hit the back button." SmartScreens™ also serve as virtual cash registers by accurately calculating total purchase price with all your required tax and shipping rates by zone!

  • Complete with Plug 'n Pay's Virtual Terminal™ interface, you can check on past orders, mark or unmark orders for batching, process orders or returns, reconcile orders for deposit, manually enter all off-line orders and check on previously settled accounts. Integrates with nearly every popular third-party catalog software with an extensive list of supported name-value pairs, and can be easily implemented to execute most post-transaction systems following a payment attempt, successful or otherwise


       For A Demo Of the Shopping Please Click Here       



Today's busiest e-commerce sites such as Network Solutions, CBS Sportsline, and,  use Verisign to payment-enable their online stores. Secure, reliable, and affordable, Verisign credit card, debit card, purchase card, and electronic check processing services place Verisign at the center of customer care and transaction automation in the e-commerce market.

Verisign payment solutions offer e-commerce merchants these key benefits:

Unlimited credit card and Internet check
transactions at a fixed monthly fee. 

Multiple payment types: credit cards, purchase
cards, debit cards, and Internet checks. 

Real-time credit card and check authorization in less
than 3 seconds. 

Easy installation and integration, requiring no
complicated code or configuration. 

High-security, fully redundant, risk-free data center.

Customizable Back Office reporting tools. 

Customer service 24 hours a day, every day.


For a demo of the Payflow Link product. Please Click Here


Setup Fee
Monthly Fee
# of mo. Transactions
Payflow Link $174.00
$19.95 under 5,000
Payflow Pro

Payflow Link & Pro Common Features
Manual Transaction Terminal
Transaction Reporting & Search Tools
Credit Card Processing
Debit Card Processing
Internet Check Processing
ACH Processing
24X7 Email Support


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Authorize Net Virtual Terminal

Virtual Terminal

The Authorize.Net™ Virtual Terminal enables businesses with an Authorize.Net account to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions from any computer with an Internet connection and a Web browser. Virtual Terminal replaces standard authorization terminals or software and provides the best solution for merchants who manually enter credit card transactions for mail or phone order sales.

Virtual Terminal is the ideal solution for businesses of all sizes because it removes the complexity and expense normally associated with authorizing and processing credit card transactions, and it's much faster than standard dial-up authorization systems.

Businesses with an Authorize.Net account simply access the Authorize.Net Virtual Terminal through our Web site using any industry standard Web browser. After logging on to the system using a unique user ID and password, merchants can access the complete range of Authorize.Net services. This includes authorizations for purchases, credits and returns, status and activity reports, and much more.

To authorize credit card transactions, the merchant simply completes an electronic form that provides the Authorize.Net system with the information it needs to complete the transaction. This information is encrypted using the latest 40 or 128 bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 3.0 technology and sent to an Authorize.Net host server. The server then sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer's bank over a secure, proprietary connection. When the process is complete -- this takes around five seconds -- the merchant receives an authorization number, and the Authorize.Net server stores the transaction. Transactions are automatically settled each day and funded within 2-3 days.

Merchants can also check the status of transactions, automatically bill customers for recurring charges, or run a variety of reports right from the Authorize.Net Virtual Terminal.

It's no surprise that Authorize.Net is the world's leading Internet-based payment authorization and transaction processing solution. Thousands of companies are currently using Authorize.Net to authorize, capture, and manage their credit card transactions.

Authorize.Net WebLink


Authorize.Net™ WebLink allows Internet-based businesses to authorize, process, and manage credit card transactions without worrying about all the complicated software, hardware, and expertise normally associated with processing payments over the Web.

When online customers are ready to purchase products or services from a merchant's Web site, WebLink either captures the necessary information (name, credit card number, etc.) from the site's own secure transaction page or displays a standard WebLink transaction page, hosted on an Authorize.Net server, for the customer to fill out.

This information is encrypted using 40 or 128 bit Secure Socket Layer technology and sent to an Authorize.Net transaction server. The server then sends the data through the authorization network to the appropriate card issuer's bank over a secure, proprietary connection. When the authorization process is complete -- this takes around five seconds -- the customer receives an approval or decline response, and the Authorize.Net server stores the transaction. Transactions are automatically settled each day and funded within 2-3 days.

Linking a merchant's Web site to the Authorize.Net system is simple. The merchant's Web site designer or developer simply inserts a few lines of HTML code that we provide to establish the link. Authorize.Net supports most available shopping cart software, so it integrates easily with most e-commerce solutions.

Below is an example of the basic code needed to link to WebLink:
<form action = "">
<input type = "hidden" name = "x_login" value = "
<form action = "">
<input type = "hidden" name = "x_login" value = "yourloginid">
<input type = "hidden" name = "x_version" value = "3.0">
<input type = "hidden" name = "x_show_form" value = "payment_form">
<input type = "hidden" name = "x_amount" value = "1.00">
<input type = "submit" value = "Click Here to Continue">

Merchants can also check the status of transactions or run reports on past activity by going to the Authorize.Net Web site and logging on to their own password-protected Authorize.Net site. Online businesses can also use the Authorize.Net Virtual Terminal to enter payment information manually if customers prefer to call in with their credit card information.

Authorize Net  Pricing  
Purchase Price: $550.00
Lease Price $35.00 per month for 24 months

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Northern Merchant Services: 
(802) 660-3980 
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Member Service Provider, Regions Bank, Montgomery, AL.
Nova Information System

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Copyright © 1999 Northern Merchant Services. Last modified:Monday, March 05, 2001